

口述历史 2023-12-01

Harvey Schwartz, Building the Golden Gate Bridge: A Workers' Oral History, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015. 建造金门大桥:工人

Here's a more enriched promotional copy for "Building the Golden Gate Bridge: A Workers' Oral History" by Harvey Schwartz, featuring an artistic interpretation of the Golden Gate Bridge construction site:

🌉 Discover the Untold Stories of the Golden Gate Bridge! 🛠️

📖 Dive into the pages of "Building the Golden Gate Bridge: A Workers' Oral History" and embark on a journey back to the 1930s. This compelling book, authored by labor historian Harvey Schwartz, brings to light the authentic experiences of the workers who built one of the most iconic structures in the world.

🔍 What's Inside?

  • Firsthand accounts from nine workers who were at the heart of the construction.

  • Insightful stories highlighting the technical challenges, physical hardships, and small yet significant joys of the labor force.

  • An in-depth look at the construction process and the human element behind this monumental task.

🏆 Award-Winning NarrativeThis book isn't just a collection of stories; it's an award-winning exploration into the lives of those who played a pivotal role in shaping history. Winner of the Silver Award in the 2016 Nautilus Book Award for Young Adult Non-Fiction, it offers a unique educational experience for young readers.

🌁 A Tribute to Resilience and IngenuityAttached is an artistic image capturing the essence of the Golden Gate Bridge during its construction - a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of its builders. This image, like the stories in the book, transports you to the heart of the construction site, amidst the bustling energy and determined spirit of the workers.

📚 Grab Your Copy Today!"Building the Golden Gate Bridge: A Workers' Oral History" is more than a book; it's a tribute to the human spirit and a must-read for anyone interested in American history and engineering marvels.

This copy, accompanied by the evocative image, aims to capture the essence of the book and the monumental task of building the Golden Gate Bridge.

🌉 探索金门大桥未被讲述的故事! 🛠️

📖 翻开《Building the Golden Gate Bridge: A Workers' Oral History》的页面,开启一段回到20世纪30年代的旅程。这本引人入胜的书籍,由劳工历史学家Harvey Schwartz撰写,真实地揭示了建造世界上最具标志性建筑之一的工人们的经历。

🔍 书中内容?

  • 九位直接参与建设的工人的第一手叙述。

  • 深刻的故事,突出了技术挑战、体力劳动的艰辛以及劳动者微小却重要的欢乐。

  • 深入了解建设过程和这一重大任务背后的人文要素。

🏆 获奖叙述这本书不仅仅是一系列故事的汇集;它是对那些在塑造历史中发挥关键作用的人的深入探索。作为2016年Nautilus Book Award青少年非小说类银奖的获得者,它为年轻读者提供了独特的教育体验。

🌁 对韧性和创新精神的赞颂附上的艺术图像捕捉了金门大桥建设期间的本质——这是对建造者韧性和创新精神的证明。这幅图像,就像书中的故事一样,将您带到建筑工地的中心,感受工人们的繁忙能量和坚定精神。

📚 立即获取您的副本!《Building the Golden Gate Bridge: A Workers' Oral History》不仅仅是一本书;它是对人类精神的致敬,也是任何对美国历史和工程奇迹感兴趣的人必读的书籍。




